Saturday, January 2, 2010

Santa Float 2009...Pat sneaks in #49

Dan, Kent, Pat, JD

Adapting to Kent's mantra that winter kayaking is best done the 1st week of the month, Dan and Kent had already put consecutive month 49 in the books earlier in the month. But Pat, much like a harried Christmas gift shopper on the 24th of December, had left his streak in jeopardy. Giving Mother Nature the finger and betting that the river would not freeze to end his streak, Pat set up a date with Kent (a bromance in the making?) for the last Sunday of the month. My experience has shown me that dates are much more successful when the other party is aware that they are involved in your planned activity. Pat claims mancode dictates that Kent should have known he had committed to the float based on a previous comment and Kent claimed he had never heard anything from Pat so he was not planning a trip on that day. Thank goodness the voice of reason and yak planning entered into the picture (Dan) and the trip took place.

Donning the Santa beard (Dan) and Santa helper hats (Kent, Pat and JD) two tandems floated thru downtown Naperville the Sunday after Christmas. Why the Santa float after Christmas you ask? The early month yak was too soon for the full Santa outfit and the after Christmas float did not seem to warrant the full outfit either, however Dan loves to wear the Santa beard through Naperville. Nothing was too noteworthy on the trip, other than there were fewer people witnessing the 4 red hatted kayakers than would be expected on a beautiful winter Sunday afternoon.

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